We are immensely pleased to inform you that our school has been privileged to be a part of the weekly unseen comprehension activity designed by PIRLS (The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), recommended and supervised by the Ministry of Education effective from 8/3/2021. This brave step of the Ministry is an eloquent instance for its commitment and relentless effort to improve the quality of comprehension skills of 4th graders in the Kingdom.
To support and guide our learners in ABAQ Al Ilm Int’l School, a demonstration on ‘HOW TO SOLVE AND SUBMIT A PIRLS’ COMPREHENSION ASSESSMENT’ will be conducted by the concerned teacher during English period tomorrow,(Wednesday-3/3/2021).

1445 إنجازات مبهرة لطالباتنا في اختبار برنامج نافس الوطني
تفخر مدرسة عبق العلم العالمية بنتائج طلابها وطالباتها في برنامج...