Welcome to Canva for Education

Welcome to Canva for Education


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Welcome to Canva for Education

Hey Everyone!

Exciting news – Canva for Education is now live across your school! That means every teacher, student, and staff
member has full premium access to Canva, the ultimate visual communication platform – 100% free!

Whatever you’re looking to create—presentations, lessons, videos, stickers, digital whiteboards, newsletters—you can
now do it all in Canva. Easily share classwork with other teachers or students and collaborate seamlessly in the

What’s next?

Log in with your school credentials at www.canva.com and explore all the magic Canva for Education has to offer! You’ll
be able to collaborate in real time, share with ease, and give feedback like never before.

If you’re already a Canva user, no worries! Just log out and log back in to be added to your new school team.

Switch between teams with ease to access any of your old designs. You can copy designs to your new school team by
following these steps. Be sure to log out of Canva to get started!

Just for teachers!

Don’t forget to check out the Canva teacher’s guide! Even if you’ve used Canva before, this guide has some handy tips
for navigating your new school account, which comes with a few added features.

Become Canva certified with our Teacher Essentials course — a free, self-paced online course with everything you need
to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences with Canva.

Want more classroom tips and tricks? Head over to the Canva Design School and get inspiration for your classroom or
explore our Teacher Resources page for teaching materials tailored to K-12 education.

Let’s get creative and start designing!

School Management
IT Department

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Tests Portions

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طريقة التسجيل في مدرسة عبق العلم